Your master will attack you with the stick, using three different moves; a leg sweep, mid swing and a high swing. The first two can be avoided by jumping in the air, and the high sweep is dodged by crouching down. If possible 60 of these attacks should be dodged so that you can get the maximum bonuses to your attributes, any more will not add to the bonuses. You will be able to sustain 10 hits before you collapse from exhaustion, so care and quick reactions will be needed. I found that a good tip was to take two steps backward just after your master has stopped advancing on you, so it gives you a bit more reaction time the stick hits, so if you're quick enough you can just walk backwards and out of reach of the attack.


Agility is something you're going to need plenty of if you're to last very long against the opposition. Like the last test, this one improves your strength, defence force and constitution, but it isn't as hard to complete as the Test of the Stick, and you will get a bigger reward at the end of it. Dodging is the name of the game here, and the amount of energy you have left at the end will decide what bonuses you get (65% or more will be enough to guarantee maximum bonus points). Circular Yin and Yang signs are the only things that can be touched, and when you do, 20% of your energy will be restored.


This is the last chance for you to upgrade your defence force (and get a bit more strength in the process). By jumping from one pole to another you must collect ten symbols as quickly as possible. Jumping from a fast moving pole to a slow one doesn't usually prove to be a problem, but jumping the other way round is much more tricky and care should be taken. Remember you're allowed three goes at this test, so take chances on the first two goes, and if you still haven't completed it, then take a bit more time on the third one; 26 seconds or lower will be enough for prefect scores on this test which will upgrade your strength and defence force.


Kick the ball and release both boards, within about 25 seconds to complete this test. The idea behind this test is pretty straight forward and so is the method in which you can complete it. The hardest part is quickly turning around, ducking and then quickly kicking it, so that the ball goes in the opposite direction once you've released one of the boards. When the second board has been cut, keep your foot in the air so that the ball doesn't come back and knock you over. Strength and attack force will be affected by this test.


Just when your joystick thought it was safe to come out of the cupboard - along comes a waggling event. As long as you can waggle your joystick really fast then this test is a cinch. Get your hand in the centre of the boards and waggle away, and if your arm is a bit knackered at the end of the stage, have a few minutes rest before you attempt the next set of boards. Four is the maximum number of boards you will allowed to break, and once you've done this, your strength, attack force, and constitution will be upgraded by a lot of points.


This is your last chance to boost those skills. Strength, attack force and constitution will be the skills that benefit. As the man throws the flaming basket onto the bridge (after avoiding them) quickly kick each basket away. Be careful not to get trapped, and get rid of the baskets as quickly as possible, for if too many build up on the bridge you will fail the test. Around 30 baskets full of energy will ensure that you get top marks.


If you've managed to keep with the guidelines above then you will now have a character whose statistics are all 100%.


There are four fighters in all who you will have to kill before you will eventually arrive at the city walls, and each will be that little bit harder than the last one. Although you have quite a few moves available, like most martial arts games you need only use one or two to kill each opponent. I found that the easiest and best way to defeat the fighters was to use just the Tiger Claw and the Jump Kick moves. As a fighter approaches, use the Tiger Claw move, and if you time it right you should be able to keep him at the right distance throughout the fight. However now and then the fighter will jump and avoid the blow. If this does happen, quickly do a jump kick and, as he lands, your foot will collide with his head and knock him to the ground inflicting a lot of damage. This will work on all opponents if timed right.


Pretty easy this. All you have to do is run along as fast as possible, and jump each time you see a boulder, and duck each time you see a bird. Don't worry too much if you get hit, because you will lose hardly any energy.


This is what you went through all this vigorous training for; but even with all that skill, will you have enough energy left to defeat the dragon? As soon as you see the dragon, go forward and kick him in the head and keep this up until he opens his mouth and breathes some fire at you. When he does this, run to the left and when the flames are about an inch away from the dragon, run forward straight through the flames and start kicking the dragon again. Keep this up and, provided you didn't get too badly beaten up by the fighters, it'll be a piece of cake.